Dean of School of Graduate Studies and Research, GCTU
Ph.D. Instructional Technology/Curriculum and Instruction.
Prof. Ebenezer Malcalm is an Associate Professor and the Dean of School of Graduate Studies and Research at ϳԹ (GCTU). Prof. Malcalm was the former Director of Centre for Online Learning and Teaching (COLT) at GCTU. He was the founding Pro Vice Chancellor for Laweh Open University College, the first Open University in Ghana.
Prof. Malcalm is a trained Instructional Designer and Technologist, Communication and Development expert and demographer. He has multidisciplinary background in E-learning, curriculum and instruction, academic programing, research, strategic planning, organizational development, programme development, management, monitoring and evaluations.
Prof. Malcalm is also experienced E-learning Consultant, Professional Development Consultant, Researcher, Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant, Communication and Development Consultant and Leadership expert. Prior to his graduate studies, he spent many years as student and youth leader, where he served as the General Secretary and National President respectively for the Ghana United Nations Student and Youth Association (GUNSA).
Prof. Malcalm established Rescue Mission Ghana, a sustainable development NGO, where he served as its first Chief Executive Director. He later set up Sustainable Development Training Centre, a consultancy wing of Rescue Mission Ghana. Dr. Malcalm also served as Senior Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator at World Education Ghana and the Coordinator of GUNSA Family Life Education Project.
Since the year 1999, Prof.. Malcalm consulted for international organizations such as, USAID, International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations, (ISMUN), Center for Population Activities (CEDPA), International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) British Council, Global Teenager Foundation, (GTF) International Education and Resource Network (IEARN), Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) Star Ghana, Ghana Health Services, Jhpiego Ghana among others Prior joining GCTU, Prof. Malcalm was Pro Vice Chancellor of Laweh OpenUniversity College, Senior Lecturer at the School of Graduate Studies and Coordinator of Distance Learning School at University of Professional Studies, Accra.
He also worked with American Institute of Research and African American Studies Department at Ohio University, USA. He also facilitated online courses at Ohio University, USA. About his educational background, Prof. Malcalm obtained a Bachelor degree in Publishing Studies at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana and a Masters degree in Population Studies, from Regional Institute of Population Studies at University of Ghana. He also graduated and earned Masters degree in International Affairs with a major in Communication and Development at Ohio University. He earned his Ph.D in Instructional Design and Technology at Ohio University, USA. -
No. PUBLICATION 1 Hevi, S.S., Agbenorxevi, C.D., Malcalm, E., Gborse, N.M.M., Hevi, J.M. and Preko, V.Y. (2023), Fear of terrorist attacks and psychological distress in Sub-Saharan Africa: moderated mediation model. Safer Communities, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/SC-06-2023-0021.
2 Hevi, S.S., Agbenorxevi, C.D., Malcalm, E., Owusu, N.O., Nkrumah, G. and Osei, C. (2023). Digital learning space experience and learner continuous use in institutions of higher learning: a moderated-mediation model, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-04-2023-0045.
3 Hevi.S.S., Agbenorxevi. C.D., Malcalm. E., Akude. J., Coleman. R., N.K. (2023).Gamified Problem Gambling and Psychological Distress: The Mediated-Moderated Roles of Cognitive and Economic Motives. Journal of Gambling Studies.Springer.
4 Hevi, S.S., Agbenorxevi, C.D. and Malcalm, E. (2023), "Intellectual capital development; a pre-requisite for leaders’ heuristics in times of uncertainties", Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/DLO-03-2023-0084 .
5 Asiedu E ,Nyarko Boakye A Malcalm E., Amoah C (2023). Institutional Strategies and Graduate Employability Development Skills of Business Students: The Mediating Role of Graduate Capital Forms. International Center for Research and Resources Development ISSN Number: 2773-5958, SSM Number: (1347468-T), doi.org/10.53272/icrrd, www.icr rd.com
6 Gyau. Y., O., & Malcalm. E., (2023). COVID-19 Pandemic and the Adoption of E-Learning as Alternative Teaching and Learning: Perspectives of Tertiary Students. Journal of Education and Learning Technology. DOI: 10.38159/jelt.2023422
7 Boison. D.K, Malcalm E, Boampong A.A, & Hiran, K.K (2022). Assessing Factors Affecting the Blockchain Adoption in Public Procurement Delivery in Ghana: A Correlational Study Using UTAUT2 Theoretical Framework. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence
8 Hevi, S.S., Malcalm, E., Ketemepi, G.E., Wuttor, A. and Agbenorxevi, C.D. (2022), Perceptions of police use of surveillance cameras in Ghana; does procedural justice matter? Safer Communities, Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 302-316. https://doi.org/10.1108/SC-04-2022-0015
9 Donkor G. A. Baidoo. M.K., Malcalm. E., Adda., G. (2020) An Investigation of the Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Outcomes among Nurses in Selected Mission Hospitals in Ghana. International Business Research; Vol. 14, No. 1; 2021. DOI:10.5539/ibr.v14n1p55.
10 Mickson. M.,K. Anlesinya. A. & Malcalm. E. (2020) Mediation role of diversity climate on leadership and job satisfaction in the Ghanaian public sector. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. Volume: 6 Issue: 1/2, to Volume: 16 Issue: 3
11 Malcalm E & Agyemang B. (2018) Examination of state of art in Digital television transmission in Ghana: Case Study of Knet Limited. International Journal Sens Network Data Communication 8: 156. doi: 10.4172/2090-4886.1000156
12 Malcalm, E. & Boakye, I (2017) Examining emotional intelligence As a Precursor of transformational leadership among nurse leaders in Ghana. Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management (IJRTEM) ISSN: 2455-3689.
13 Malcalm, E. & Tamatey S. (2017) Examining leadership style on employee performance in the public sector of Ghana : A case of Ghana atomic energy commission. International Journal of `Scientific and Research Publications ISSN 2250-3153
14 Malcalm. E. & Budu. G.(2017). Using Podcast and Short Videos to PromoteLiteracy: The Case of Ghana Technology University College. Journal of Pan-African Reading and Literacy Research. Vol.1 N0.1 pp. 66 - 73
15 Malcalm. E. (2015) Adult education and utilization of new technologies for online learning in higher educational institutions in Ghana. Berlin: ICWE GmbH
16 Malcalm, E. (2014) Engaging adult Learners: developing distance Learning programmes for single mothers seeking to acquire degree courses in Ghana. Berlin: ICWE GmbH
17 Malcalm, E. (2013) Adult education and utilization of new technologies for online learning in higher educational institutions in Ghana. Berlin: ICWE GmbH.
18 Malcalm, E. & Godwyll F. (2008). Diffusion of information communication technology in selected Ghanaian schools. The Hague: IConnect
19 Malcalm, E. (2006). Flattening the world -The prospects for fiber optic technology in Africa. Johannesburg: Soul Beat Africa
20 Malcalm, E. (2006). Utilizing very small aperture terminal (VSAT) technology infrastructure in African schools: I-Connect. The Hague
21 Malcalm, E. (2000). Sexual behavior among youth in Ghana: A Demographic and Socio-Economic Analysis. Accra: University of Ghana
No. BOOKS/MANUALS 1 Malcalm, E. (2012). Ghana's educational policymakers and their impact on information and communication technology education: A case study of a Ghanaian model senior high school. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
2 Malcalm, E. et al, (2016) Adolescent health training manual: For health service providers, Accra: Ministry of Health No. BOOK CHAPTERS 1 Aseidu, E., Boakye, A.N., Amoako, G.K., Malcalm, E. (2023). Gender and Sustainability in Africa. In: Adomako, S., Danso, A., Boateng, A. (eds) Corporate Sustainability in Africa. Palgrave Studies in African Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-29273-6_15 2 Malcalm, E. et al, (2007). Building infrastructure. In ICT for development and prosperity. Edited by Leon Strous and Satish Jha. Laxenburg: IFIP. 3 Malcalm, E. & Godwyll F. (2008). An analysis of structural adjustment programs and food security in two selected countries in Africa. In poverty, education and development. Edited by Francis Godwyll and So Young Kang (2008). New York: Nova Science Publishers. No. CONFERENCE PAPERS/PRESENTATIONS 1 Malcalm.E., Dzisi S. & Boakye 1. (2023). Examination of the State of Technological Innovations in Entrepreneurial Startups Incubators at Selected Universities in Ghana. At 23rd African Academy of Business Developers Annual Conference held at University of East London, UK from 16th -20th May 2023. 2 Malcalm. E. & Boakye. I. (2023) Examining locus of control as a moderator in the relationship between personality traits and ethical leadership in selected basic schools in Ghana at 23rd African Academy of Business Developers Annual Conference held at University of East London, UK from 16th -20th May 2023. 3 Malcalm. E. & Fiagbe-Alabi G.A. (2023) Assessment of the perception of males on females in leadership. A case of the national insurance commission of Ghana. At 23rd African Academy of Business Developers Annual Conference held at University of East London, UK from 16th -20th May 2023. 4 Malcalm. E. (2021). Faculty capacity building for effective online education delivery at International Virtual Conference 2021 under the theme” Re- imagining Tertiary Education Delivery in COVID 19 Pandemic Era and Beyond: The Role of ICT. Held at University of Education Winneba, Ghana. From 18th-19th 2021 5 Malcalm. E., Mogtari M. (2021). Examination of the stat e of international business comp et enc e in identifying and developing business module for auto-zone spar e parts limit ed in Ghana at the 6th International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurial Development (ICBMED 2021) under the theme “Managing Businesses in Time of Crises: Implications of COVID-19 for Businesses”. Held at University of Professional Studies. Accra. Ghana. From 15th-16th April 2021 6 Malcalm. E., Banahene H. (2021). An assessment of labour turnover in the ancillary services of the financial industry in Ghana: A case study of the audit service at the 6th International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurial Development (ICBMED 2021) under the theme “Managing Businesses in Time of Crises: Implications of COVID-19 for Businesses”. Held at University of Professional Studies. Accra. Ghana. From 15th-16th April 2021 7 Malcalm. E., Dankyi A. (2021). Exploring retention factors among millennials in the workplace: A case study of CBD organization, Ghana. At the 6th International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurial Development (ICBMED 2021) under the theme “Managing Businesses in Time of Crises: Implications of COVID-19 for Businesses”. Held at University of Professional Studies. Accra. Ghana. From 15th-16th April 2021. 8 Malcalm. E., Ampadu. S., Boakye. I (2021). Relationship between leadership style, school climate and academic performance. At the 6th International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurial Development (ICBMED 2021) under the theme “Managing Businesses in Time of Crises: Implications of COVID-19 for Businesses”. Held at University of Professional Studies. Accra. Ghana. From 15th-16th April 2021 9 Malcalm. E., (2020). Harnessing 21st century digital transformation for Africa’s socio economic development at 2020 World Robotics Conference held via Webinar on June 9, 2020. 10 Malcalm. E., (2019). Education and Training in the Oil and Gas Sector: Challenges and Prospect in Ghana” at the 4th Africa Oil and Gas Talent Summit under the theme: “Transforming People to Human Capital: The Leadership Imperative for Africa Oil and Gas.” Held at Sheraton Four Points Hotel. Victoria Island. Lagos Nigeria. October 30-31, 2019. 11 Budu. G., Malcalm. E., (2019). Exploring Socrative Application Software for Formative Assessment Tool for Teaching and Learning at Ghana Technology University College at International Conference on Open Distance and e-learning (ICoDeL) under the theme: “Meeting Quality through Open Distance and e-Learning.” Held at University of Ghana. October 22-24, 2019 12 Malcalm. E., (2018). Delivering Employability Skills for Sustainable Africa Oil Industry: Achieving Synergy with Business Education and Government at the 3rd Africa Oil Gas Talent Summit 2018 on Held at Four Points Sheraton. Lagos. Nigeria. October 24-25 2018. 13 Malcalm. E., (2017). Education and Training in the Age of Digital-Imperatives for Global relevance and Industry Impact at the 2nd Africa Oil and Gas Talent Summit 2017 held at Ibis Hotel, Airport City, Accra Ghana. October 11-12, 2017. . 14 Malcalm E., Chang-Naah. J.B., (2015). Effects of Leadership Style on Organizational Performance in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Ghana at International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurial Development (ICBMED). Held at University of Professional Studies (UPSA). April 23-24, 2015. -
Qualifications (Education)
DATE DEGREE/QUALIFICATION INSTITUTION Sept. 2007- March. 2012 Ph.D. Instructional Technology/Curriculum and Instruction Ohio University, USA Sept. 2005- June 2007 M.A International Affairs/(Comm.& Development) Ohio University, USA Sept.1999- Aug. 2000 M.A Population Studies University of Ghana, Legon/td> Sept. 1991- June 1995 B.A. (Hons) Publishing Studies Technology, Kumasi. KNUST, Kumasi -
Professional Training
Participated in Quality Assurance Knowledge and Skills Training Workshop for Higher Education Personnel in the 21st century held by Association of African Universities at Accra. May 21- 24, 2019 Participated in Workshop on Overview of Open and Distance Learning (Train of Trainers Workshop) organized by Commonwealth of Learning and Regional Training and Research Institute for Open and Distance Learning held in Accra. 25- 27, June. 2018 Participated in the third leg of International Dean’s Course held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. February 5-8, 2018. Participated in Public Forum on Higher Education under the theme Ranking and Internationalization in Education: New Development and Implications for African Universities held at Makerere University, Uganda on November 8, 2017 Participated in Second leg of International Dean’s Course held in Kampala, Uganda. November 8-10 2017. Participated in first leg of International Dean’s Course held in Osnabruck and Berlin, Germany. June 19-30, 2017 Participated in in the Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa Conference: Mobilizing African Intellectuals Towards Quality Tertiary Education, Rwanda July 5-7, 2017 Participated in 14th General Conference and Golden Jubilee celebrations of Association of African Universities (AAU) held at La Palm Royal Hotel Accra June 5-8, 2017. Participated and Chaired a session at E-learning Africa Conference held at Kempinski Hotel. Cairo Egypt. May 23- 26, 2016. Participated and Chaired a session at International Conference on Business and Entrepreneurial Development held at University of Professional Study (UPSA). April 21-22, 2016 Participated in Senior Academic Leadership Training (SALT) held for University Council members held at Mensvic Grand Hotel, Accra. 29 March- 1, April 2016 Participated in Regional Workshop on Leadership Development in Open and Distance Learning and Dual Mode at Higher Institutions organised by Regional Training and Research Institute for Open and Distance Learning (RETRIDAL), National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) at Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria September 28-30, 2015. Participated and served as panelist to set up Massive Open Online Courses for African Universities at the 4th Africa Council for Distance Education Conference and General Assembly held at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. 6th-9th June 2014. Participated in Strengthening Higher Education Systems in Ghana workshop organised by the National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) to develop framework on Open University System in Ghana held in Accra, Ghana on 26th -27th February 2014 and April 29th- 30th 2014. Participated in Regional Open Distance Learning Workshop held in Victoria Island. Lagos. 25-29 November 2013 Participated and presented paper titled “Using ICT in HIV/AIDS Education” at African Preparatory Conference of World Summit for Information Society held in Accra, Ghana. January 29- February 4, 2005 Participated and presented paper titled “The Role of Youth in Information Communication and Technology” at The Global Knowledge Partners Conference In Malaysia. April 15-29, 2000. -
Positions Held/Served
DATE POSITION October 2016 to date Associate Professor and Dean of School of Graduate Studies and Research - ϳԹ. July 2016 to October 2016 Director of Centre for Online Learning and Teaching (COLT) and Senior Lecturer: ϳԹ College. Accra. July 2015- June 2016 Foundation Pro Vice Chancellor- Laweh Open University College, Nungua Accra. Ghana. September 2014 - June 2015 Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of Distance /Online Learning School: University of Professional Studies, Accra. Ghana September 2012- to August 2014 Lecturer and Coordinator of Distance /Online Learning School: University of Professional Studies, Accra. Ghana. August 2012-August 2013 Lecturer/Director of Online Courses/Web Management: Regent University College of Science Technology. Ghana 7 March 2012- August 2012 Instructional Technologist: American Institute for Research, USA (Columbus Branch). September 2011- March 2012 Ohio University. Athens, Ohio. Adjunct Assistant Professor: African American Studies Department, USA June 2011- August 2011 (Summer) Global Teenager Project, Netherlands Online Professional Development Specialist. January 2011- March 2011 (Winter) Ohio University. Athens, Ohio. Adjunct Instructor: African American Studies Department. April 2010 - June 2010 (Spring) /June 2010 - August 2010 (Summer) Ohio University. Athens, Ohio. Teaching Assistant: African American Studies Department. Jan. 2009-March 2009 (Winter): Teaching Assistant African American Studies Department. Jan. 2009-March 2009 (Winter): Ohio University. Athens, Ohio. Teaching Assistant: Instructional Technology Department. September, 2007 to June, 2010 Ohio University. Athens, Ohio. Research Assistant: African-American Studies Department January 2011- March 2011 (Winter) Ohio University. Athens, Ohio. Adjunct Instructor: African American Studies Department. 2006-2010 (Spring): ): International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) /International Education and Resource Network (IEARN) Adjunct online facilitator/Professional Development Specialist 16 2005 - 2007: Ohio University Graduate Assistant: African-American Studies Department. 2003-2009 International Education and Resource Network (IEARN) Adjunct online Facilitator. 2004 to 2005 World Education Ghana Senior Research Monitoring and Evaluation Manager 1998-2003 Rescue Mission Ghana-Executive Director 1995 - 1997 African Regional Director of International Students and Youth Movement For The United Nations (ISMUN). -
Areas of Expertise/Research
Academic programming. Strategic planning, Strategic implementation, Monitoring and evaluation. Curriculum design and development. Curriculum review and auditing. Project research, formulation and management. Design of Institutional Structures, Development of Management Information Systems. Information Communication and Technology for development and management.
Designing of online courses. Delivering of online teaching and learning, Facilitation of face-to-face and online professional development courses for K-12 teachers and students and for Higher Education faculty members. Lecturing at higher education settings
Communication and development knowledge and skills. Web development skills and Project management skills. Development and the management of Learning Management Systems The use of multi-media tools, video conferencing platforms and presentation skills. The Research Interest are in the area of e-learning, Distance Learning, management issues, Project Management and the emerging technologies -
HONOURS/AWARDS Awarded for contribution towards Oil and Gas Talent Development in Africa at the 4th Oil and Gas Conference held in Lagos, Nigeria on 31st October 2019. Recipient of German Academic Exchange International Dean’s Course Award for Africa 2017/2018 Fellowship Recipient of USAID/United States Telecommunication Training Institute for Satellite and Internet Delivery of Educational Television and Multimedia, 2014. -
Awarded for contribution towards Oil and Gas Talent Development in Africa at the 4th Oil and Gas Conference held in Lagos, Nigeria on 31st October 2019.
Recipient of German Academic Exchange International Dean’s Course Award for Africa 2017/2018 Fellowship
Recipient of USAID/United States Telecommunication Training Institute for Satellite and Internet Delivery of Educational Television and Multimedia, 2014.