Head, Department of General Studies, Faculty of Computing and Information Systems (FoCIS)
Dr. Cletus Kwaku Mbowura is a Senior Lecturer. He is the current Head of the Department of General Studies in the Faculty of Computing and Information Systems (FoCIS) in ϳԹ (GCTU). He holds a PhD and Mphil degrees in History, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in History with Philosophy – all from the University of Ghana.
He has about two decades of experience as a lecturer in University of Ghana, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Regent University College of Science and Technology, Accra College of Medicine, Accra College of Education, and Ghana Communication and Technology University (GCTU).
Dr. Mbowura’s areas of research and interests are Conflicts and Peace Studies, Social History and Education. He has appreciable number of publications on conflicts, peacebuilding, education, security, among others, in peer reviewed journals and edited volumes. -
No. PUBLICATION 1 Mbowura, C.K., Braimah, A.I. & Orlapu, A. (2023). The Gods, Spirits and Magical Powers at War: Reflections on the Psychological Dimension of the Nawuri-Gonja Conflict, Northern Ghana. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 7(2), pp. 1695-1706
2 Mbowura, C.K., Iddrisu, S. & Bukari, G.A. (2023). The Youth and Rituals in Post- Conflict Rebuilding: The Psychosoal Dimension of Post-Conflict Rebuilding in the Kpandai District in Contemporary Times. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 7(6), pp. 686-698
3 Mbowura, C.K., Bukari, G.A. & Arah, M.L. (2023). Historical Analysis of the Formation and Structural Organization of Political Parties in Ghana: A Diagnosis of the National Democratic Congress. Russian Law Journal, 11(3), pp. 2943- 2955
4 Alidu, G.A., Mbowura, C.K. and Arah, M.L. (2022). Candidate Selection and Nomination Methods: A Historical Review and Analysis of Presidential Primaries in Ghana’s Forth Republic, 1992-2020. Res Militaris, Vol. 12, Number 4 (December Issue), pp. 1399-1412
5 Alidu, G.A., Mbowura, C.K. and Arah, M.L. (2022). Sweet Electoral Victory and Painful Defeat: Analysis of the Victory and Defeat of the National Democratic Congress and John Dramani Mahama in the 2012, 2016 and 2020 Presidential Elections in Ghana. Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 15(2), pp. 1580-1599
6 Mbowura, C.K. (2022). Peace Operations in Northern Ghana: A Comparative Analysis State-Sponsored Peace Operations in Dagbon, Konkomba-Nanumba and Nawuri- Gonja Conflicts in Northern Ghana. Innovations, (September), pp. 692-706
7 Mbowura, C.K. (2022). No Youth, No Conflict: The Youth Factor in the Nawuri-Gonja Conflict in Northern Ghana. Innovations, (September), pp. 457-471
8 Mbowura, C.K. (2022). Gender and Peace-building: Nawuri Women and Peace- building Initiatives in the Kpandai District in the Northern Region of Ghana. UDS Journal Development, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 760-773
9 Mbowura, C.K. Longi, F.T.Y., Braimah, A.I., Oteng, B. & Ganaa, F.E. eds. (2022). Ghana in the New Millennium: Critical Notes, Prospects and Challenges (pp. 1- 23). Accra: Woeli Publishing Services
10 Mbowura, C.K. and Mihaye, J. (2022). Public Transport and the Socio-Economic Empowerment of Drivers: Impact Assessment of Uber and Bolt Transport Services in the Madina Municipality in Accra, Ghana. In C.K. Mbowura, F.T.Y. Longi, A.I. Braimah, B. Oteng & F.E. Ganaa (eds.), Ghana in the New Millennium: Critical Notes, Prospects and Challenges (pp. 1-23). Accra: Woeli Publishing Services
11 Mbowura, C.K. Longi, F.T.Y., Braimah, A.I., Oteng, B. & Ganaa, F.E. eds. (2022). Ghana in the New Millennium: Critical Notes, Prospects and Challenges (pp. 1- 23). Accra: Woeli Publishing Services
12 Alidu, S.M, Braimah, A.I. and Mbowura, C.K. eds. (2021). Contemporary Issues in Ghana: Economy, Development, Gender and Society, Vol. II. Accra: Woeli Publishing Services.
13 Alidu, M.S., Braimah, I.A. and Mbowura, C.K. eds. (2020). Contemporary Issues in Ghana: Tradition, Politics, Conflicts and Security, Vol. I. Accra: Woeli Publishing Services
14 Mbowura, C.K. (2021). Gender in the Narratives on Conflicts in Northern Ghana: Nawuri Women and the Nawuri-Gonja Conflict. In Alidu, S.M, Braimah, A.I. and Mbowura, C.K. (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Ghana: Economy, Development, Gender and Society, Vol. II. (pp. 28-49). Accra: Woeli Publishing Services.
15 Longi, F.T., Bolaji, M.H.A. and Mbowura, C.K. (2021). Conflicting Claims over Land: The Land Factor in Conflicts in Northern Ghana. In Security in Conflicts in Northern Ghana. Alidu, M.S., Braimah, I.A. and Mbowura, C.K. (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Ghana: Tradition, Politics, Conflicts and Security, Vol. II. (pp. 87-104). Accra: Woeli Publishing Services
16 Mbowura, C.K. (2020). Epistemological and Logical Interrogations of the Mechanics of Security in Conflicts in Northern Ghana. In Alidu, M.S., Braimah, I.A. and Mbowura, C.K. (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Ghana: Tradition, Politics, Conflicts and Security, Vol. I. (pp. 76-97). Accra: Woeli Publishing Services.
17 Braimah, A.I. and Mbowura, C.K. (2018). The Political Economy of Conflict and Peace: Interrogating Chieftaincy and Ethnic Conflicts in Northern Ghana. In M.H.A. Boladji and A.A. Apusigah (eds.), Critical Notes on Northern Ghana’s Development: History, Geography, Institutions, Politics and Development in Contention (pp. 93-110). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
18 Mbowura, C.K. and Longi, F.T.Y (2016). Colonial Conflicts in Contemporary Northern Ghana: A Prognosis of the British Colonial Factor in the Nawuri-Gonja and Mamprusi-Kusasi Conflicts. Legon Journal of Humanities, Volume 27, pp. 158-181
19 Mbowura, C.K. (2016). End of War, No Resolution, No Lasting Peace: A Historical Study of the Attempts at Managing and Resolving the Nawuri-Gonja Conflict. In Steve Tonah and Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (eds.), Managing Chieftaincy and Ethnic Conflicts in Ghana (pp. 191-213). Accra: Woeli Publishing Services
20 Braimah, A.I. and Mbowura, C.K. (2014). Crime Combat in Developing Economies: The Dilemmas of the Ghana Police Service. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 14(17), pp. 1-14
21 Mbowura, C.K. (2014). Security and Conflict: Appraising and Interrogating Security Arrangements in the Nawuri-Gonja Conflict in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 3(7), pp. 1502-1516.
22 Mbowura, C.K. (2014). One Conflict, Three Resolution Mechanisms: The Dilemma of Resolving the Inter-Ethnic Conflict between the Nawuri and the Gonja of Northern Ghana. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2(7), pp. 132-139
23 Mbowura, C.K, Braimah, A.I. and Longi, F.T.Y. (2014). The Ethnic Factor in International Politics: Constructing the Role of the Nawuri in the Pan-Ewe Nationalist Movement. Historical Research Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 14-26.
24 Mbowura, C.K. (2014). Inter-Ethnic Conflicts and their Impact on National Development, Integration and Social Cohesion: A Study of the Nawuri-Gonja Conflict in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 7(1), pp. 108-118.
25 Mbowura, C.K. (2014). The British Colonial Factor in Inter-Ethnic Conflicts in Contemporary Northern Ghana: The Case of the Nawuri-Gonja Conflict. International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2(5), pp. 270-278.
26 Braimah, A.I., Mbowura, C.K., Alidu, M.S. (2014). One State, Two School Systems: The Instability of Ghana’s School System since the Fourth Republic. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(9), pp. 145-153.
27 Longi, F.T.Y and Mbowura, C.K. (2014). The Konkomba Yam Market: A Study of a Migrant Community in an Urban Setting. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 6(1), pp. 276-284.
28 Mbowura, C.K. (2013). Constructing the Historicity of Chieftaincy among the Nawuri of Northern Ghana. Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 1(2), pp. 21-44.
29 Mbowura, C.K. (2013). Eat Mangoes, Grow Cotton and be Industrious: Interrogating German Colonial Rule in the Nawuri Area of Northern Ghana, 1899 to 1914. In Wazi Apoh & Bea Lundt (eds.), Germany and its West African Colonies: “Excavations” of German Colonialism in Post-Colonial Times (pp. 201-231). Zurich & Berlin: Lit Verlag.
30 Mbowura, C.K. (2012). Autochthonous, Conquest and Overlordship Rights in Land: Constructing Allodial Rights in Alfai in Northern Ghana in the Pre-Colonial Times. Abibisem: Journal of African Culture and Civilization, Vol. 5, pp. 60-81
Qualifications (Education)
DATE DEGREE/QUALIFICATION INSTITUTION 2012 PhD in History University of Ghana, Legon 2002 Mphil in History University of Ghana, Legon 1998 BA in History with Philosophy University of Ghana, Legon 1990 Advanced Level (‘A’ Level) Certificate 1998 Ordinary Level (‘O’ Level) Certificate -
Professional Training
Dr. Cletus Kwaku Mbowura is a trained historian. He has a PhD in History, Mphil in History, and B.A. in History with Philosophy
Positions Held/Served
HoD, Department of General Studies, ϳԹ (GCTU), 2021 to date Member, Faculty appointments and Promotion Board, Faculty of Computing and Information Systems, GCTU, July, 2021 to date. Member, Faculty Academic Board, Faculty of Computing and Information Systems, GCTU, July, 2021 to date Member, University Academic Board, GCTU, July, 2021 to date. Member, Graduate Academic Board, GCTU, July, 2021 to date HOD, Department of Studies in African Development, Regent University College of Science and Technology, 2017 to 2018. HoD, Department of African Development, Regent University College of Science and Technology, 2017-2018.2 HoD, Department of African Studies, Accra College of Medicine (ACM), 2016-2018 Examination Officer, Department of History, University of Ghana, 2013-2015 Coordinator of the ICDE programme in the Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon, 2009-2016. Course Advisor in the Department of History, 2004-2016. Examination Officer in the Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon, 2009-2012. Representative of the Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon, on the Admissions Board, 2009-2012. Representative of the Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon, on the Academic Board, 2008-2011 -
Areas of Expertise/Research
Conflict and peace studies Social History Economic History General Historical Studies Education -
4th Triennial Conference of the Ghana Studies Association Theme: Ghana at Crossroads Venue: Tamale Date: 18th to 21st June, 2022. Paper: “The Nawuri Professionals’ Association and Social Mobilization: Peace-building, Social Empowerment and Cultural Renaissance.” Conference on German Colonialism in West Africa: Implications for German-West Africa Partnership Venue: Winneba, Ghana Date: 29th September to 2nd October, 2011 Paper: “Eat Mangoes, Sell Cotton and be Industrious:” Reconstructing German Colonial Rule in the Nawuri Area of Northern Ghana, 1899 to 1914.” First Social Science Conference, University of Education Theme: Bringing the Gown to the Town: Reflections on contemporary issues in the Development of Ghana. Venue: Winneba, Ghana Date: 2-3 March 2010. Paper: “Ethnicity and Politics of the Togoland Question in the Nawuri and Nchumuru Areas of British Togoland, 1950-1956.” Annual Conference of the Historical Society of Ghana Theme: Preserving and Recording Ghana’s Past: Fifty Years of Ghana’s Independence Date: 9th to 12th August, 2006 Venue: Accra, Ghana Paper: “Pre-Colonial and Colonial Experiences of Northern Ghana” (a joint paper delivered with Felix Y.T. Longi and Cliff Maasole). Annual Conference of the Historical Society of Ghana Theme: Linking the Present to the Past: Reflections on a Half Century of Independence Date: 8th to 13th August, 2005 Venue: Accra, Ghana Paper: “Ethnicity and Politics in Ghana: A Study of National Politics in the Kpandai Area of Northern Ghana.” Annual Conference of the Historical Society of Ghana Date July, 2003 Venue: Accra, Ghana Paper: “Voices of Ghanaian Leadership in Nawuri, 1932-1991.” -
Isaac Tuffouh Prize (Best Graduating Student in History – Long Essay), 1999.