We wish to inform the University Community that the Tourism Research and Advocacy Center (TRAC), will be organizing a Virtual seminar which will be aimed at enhancing customer service skills as the 2023 Tourism season approaches.
The Virtual Seminar, which is coined “The Tourism Dialogues” is being organized as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 29th March, 2023
Time: 7pm
Mode: Via Zoomlink (Details will be communicated in due course)
Theme: “Preparing for the 2023 Tourism Season; A Customer Service Perspective”
The resources persons include the following:
Caleb Kouffie, Executive Director of Service Excellence Foundation in Ghana’s tourism industry;
Dr. Joseph Mensah-Ansah, Lead Consultant at Hospitality Group and seasoned Hotel Manager
Dr. Alberta Bondzie Simpson, an academician, author and hospitalityconsultant.
All staff and students are invited to participate and gain some invaluable insights on enhancing customer service skills in the tourism industry.
Let’s take advantage of this valuable opportunity!