

    Second Session Of The Ai & Ethical Academic Research Seminar   |   12 MAR   |   5:00pm -7:00pm   |   Virtual (Zoom)


Clubs & Societies

Student Clubs & Societies

The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) encourages students to organize and participate in group activities intended to provide leadership training, social growth, and community service as well as promote continuous education. The OSA approves the commencement and incorporation of all clubs and societies. The constitution of such clubs and societies shall be consistent with the University Statutes, policies, by-laws and the Constitution of Ghana. A copy of such constitution and its amendments shall be made available to the Student Affairs Office before enactment. Any student organization that wishes to invite a guest speaker outside the university community must submit a request to the Office of Student Affairs two weeks before the event. Such requests must come with details of the person being invited. The following are the recognized student bodies on campus:

  • Student Representative Council (SRC)
  • Technology Students Association (TESA)
  • The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) GTUC Chapter
  • All Christians Fellowship (ACF)
  • Engineers Without Borders (EWB)
  • International Students Association (ISA)
  • Waves International
  • United Nations Students Association – GTUC Chapter (UNSA-GTUC)
  • University Choirs


Student Representative Council (SRC)


The Student Representative Council (SRC) exists to serve as a medium for expression between students and the University Administration. The SRC has its own constitution that regulates its affairs. Notwithstanding this, provisions of the SRC constitution shall be subject to the rules governing the university college and the constitution of the Republic of Ghana. Students who wish to stand for elections to the SRC should have a high Cumulative Weight Average (CWA) and should have been a student for a minimum of four (4) semesters. Programmes and Projects. All programmes and projects of the Student Representative Council, clubs, societies and associations should be discussed with the Office of Student Affairs before the commencement of an academic year.


Technology Students Association (TESA)


TESA is the first non-faculty based student organization founded by students of GTUC in 2007 and inaugurated in 2008. TESA focuses on ICT, Entrepreneurship, Personal and Community development. Over the years, TESA has achieved immeasurable milestones and has been a great ambassador for GTUC both in Ghana and abroad. Any student who has attended any of our programmes can confess, that, they are not time wasting at all. We say “improve or discover!” We are practical minded and our entire programmes add value to our academics, professions and careers, dreams and aspirations. We create the opportunity for members to have contacts and network with industrial giants in the ICT and business sector. We compete in Inter-tertiary programmes in order to share knowledge and ideas and also to discuss issues in our fields of study. We also deliberate on issues that affect all university students and seek ways to develop ourselves whilst in school and after graduation. www.tesaworld.org TESA: Technology for Development!



The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) GTUC Chapter


NSBE-GTUC is one of the several chapters of a US based organization. The GTUC chapter aims at stimulating and developing the interest of students in the various engineering disciplines. It also aims at promoting public awareness of engineering. NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of responsible Black engineers who excel academically succeed professionally and positively impact the community. In striving to complete the mission, the members of NSBE set out, each year, to accomplish the following goals:


Stimulate and develop student interest in the various engineering disciplines.
Strive to increase the number of minority students studying engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Encourage members to seek advanced degrees in engineering or related fields and to obtain professional engineering registrations.
Encourage and advise minority youth in their pursuit of an engineering career.