Co-curricular Activities
We expect our students to get more than a good education and a rewarding career from Ghana Technology University College. To this end, co-curricular activities are vigorously pursued and students encouraged to actively participate in all such activities. Co-curricular activities go a long way to improve the quality of student life on campus and ensure a successful and enjoyable student experience. The learning experience of students includes both the learning that occurs through the formal academic program and the learning that occurs through campus community, social networks and student peer interactions. Students who participate fully in both benefit most from their overall university experience.
Sports and Games
Football, basketball, volleyball, athletics and other games are held each year as recreation. Students are encouraged to join the school teams. The university has provided students with in-door games and some sports equipment. Management wishes to have formidable football, basketball, hand ball and volley ball teams, among several others, and steps are being taken to establish these teams. As a first step and to show commitment, sets of jerseys have been provided for the basket ball, volley ball, hand ball and foot ball teams to ensure healthy competition among the various teams. Management has also procured a set of track suits for our sportsmen and women to bolster their confidence during competitions with other universities.
Management wholeheartedly welcomes any suggestions which will enrich and complement student learning by providing opportunities for involvement in meaningful activities within the university and the larger community.
Eligibility policy on co-curricular activities
A student on disciplinary probation may not represent the University or participate in any co-curricular activities. A student who has been suspended may not participate in any University activities.