The theme for the anniversary celebration is “Connecting the Dots”. We are connecting a decade of distinguished leadership of GTUC in education in Ghana. We are connecting the dots of our past; how far have we come (our present); our challenges; the significance of our achievements; and how our institution has impacted our society, the West Africa sub-region and the world at large.
We celebrate this milestone fully aware of our humble beginnings ten years ago. We take immense pride in the hard work and dedication we have put into the last ten years which accounts for our achievement as number 1 private University and number 4 tertiary in the country, but most importantly, our celebration fills us with hope to persevere for best results.
Borrowed from Steve Jobs, our theme; Connecting the dots focuses on the history of GTUC and, the unique growth and progress of the School. The University College has its roots in Ghana Telecom’s flagship Training Centre, which was one of a kind in West Africa.
The Institution was first used as a Royal Air Force (RAF) Training School during the Second World War and subsequently handed to Cable and Wireless to train Telecommunications Technicians for British West African Countries (i.e. Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia).The Training Centre progressed rapidly through deregulation and privatization to become the main source of teaching and certification in Telecommunications Engineering for Ghana Telecom employees as well as other institutions in Ghana and West Africa.
In 2005, Management of Ghana Telecom upgraded the infrastructure and equipment to modern standards in preparation for converting the training centre into a University College for Telecommunication and Multimedia Engineering & Information Technology and was inaugurated on August 15, 2006. It currently has over 7,500 students from undergraduate to PhD levels, and also a host of collaborations all over the world.
As a result of these collaborations, GTUC has developed cutting edge programmes in various areas such as Engineering, IT, Oil and Gas, Business and Management especially in the area of Entrepreneurship at the undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral Levels.
The University has since established itself through the strategic partnerships, an outstanding reputation as a leader in teaching and research excellence.
Connecting the dots also means an opportunity to keep on delivering excellent and world class education to Ghana and the sub region. Our spirit and energies have been reborn and revived, and we look forward to the years ahead as our opportunity to continue to write our name in the history of Ghana’s tertiary education space. Our experiences in the last ten years places us in pole position to meet the future head on. At this celebration we take a retrospective look at University’s contributionsto national development especially in the areas ofInformation Technology, Engineering and Business over the ten year period and position ourselves well for the coming years.