

    Career Compass Seminar For Fresh Students   |   17 MAR   |   8:30AM   |   Florence Onny Auditorium


Staff Receive Performance Management Training

The Quality Promotion Assurance Unit (QPAU), Kumasi Campus in collaboration with the Human Resource unit has organized a days’ workshop for Senior Staff and Senior Members of the campus.

The workshop which was centred on performance management was to equip members of staff with in depth understanding of setting performance goals and the various processes to achieve set goals. This was in line with how members of staff could set their unit goals and the various qualitative processes to achieve the departmental and units goals at GTUC.

The facilitator, Dr. George Oppong A. Ampong, Director of the Kumasi Campus took participants through the performance management processes and how to achieve the performance objectives set. He used the session to brainstorm and review the various objectives set by the units of the Kumasi Campus for the year.

Members were satisfied with the session and asked for more of such workshops to keep them on check of their goals set for their respective units.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Francis Edjah, Quality Assurance Representative, thanked the participants and the facilitator for making time for the workshop.