

    Career Compass Seminar For Fresh Students   |   17 MAR   |   8:30AM   |   Florence Onny Auditorium


Unit functions – Procurement

The unit is mandated to carry out the following functions to meet the needs of the university.

Function 1 : Support Operational Requirements (This is dine through the traditional 5Rs’ of procurement – Right quality, Right Price, Right Place, Right Quantity and Right Time)
Function 2 : Manage the Procurement Process and the Supply Base Efficiently and Effectively (With the aim of Identifying opportunities etc.)
Function 3 : Develop Strong Relationships with Other Functional Groups to ensure the organizational aims are met
Function 4 : Develop Integrated Purchasing Strategies That Support Organizational Strategies, Goals and objectives

Method of Operation

It is the responsibility of Procurement unit to conduct all negotiations affecting purchase, price, terms, and delivery of goods and/or services for the operation of the University.

Under no circumstances are vendors to supply such goods or services without a University Purchase Order number, or purchasing contract. Any orders placed by individuals outside the Procurement Department will be considered a personal transaction between the vendor and departmental individual, unless the purchase is made with the approval of the President, Vice President or Registrar of the University. This any such approval will have to be expressly given and provided.